Monday, 24 November 2014

Wash land Wonderings

Hi !!!
I have just been for a walk around the wash lands in Northampton, Nene Valley. I had not walked round there in a while so it was nice to visit there again, however I discovered a new route to walk which I tried and I really liked. It was a nice change and I have some nice photos as a result.

I saw these paw prints in concrete, with a shadow from a gate on top and I loved the  effect it had
I was standing taking pictures of the view and a herd of sheep all ran past, after about the 15th photo I managed to take this one
The herd running
I really like the effect of this photo, it is the reflection of a tree in a lake

 From putting this post together, I think I have discovered it is fair to say I like taking photos of electricity pylons.

Hope to write again soon !!!

Monday, 17 November 2014

November Walk

Hi !!!
I went on a lovely walk through the countryside recently, where I took some photos which I think show the weather starting to head from autumn into winter.
I tried to take a photo of a tree but my camera has blurred it beyond recognition, but in some way I really like this effect.
 Hope to write again soon !!!

Monday, 10 November 2014

Autumn Colours

Hi !!!
I love time of the year, the colours are beautiful and you can wrap up warm.

Recently I was walking through the park and I took these photos which I feel capture a part of this years autumn ...

I know this photo is very blurred but I like the shades of autumnal colours shown and I think there is some form of artistic effect caused by the blurring (?)

 Hope to write again soon !!!

Monday, 3 November 2014

Sky Reflection

Hi !!!
Do you ever have those moments where you see a picture and you have to run and grab your camera? Well I do. I saw this shot of the plants on my kitchen windowsill with the reflexion of the sky in the window to the side of it.

I love the affect this has given and I am so happy I saw this shot and it turned out so well.

I know the tap got in the way, but I feel it adds something to the shot (no idea what). It might just be the fact it adds another focal point to the photograph

 Hope to write again soon !!!